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Masterplan for Juba valley development, Masterplan main report

The objective of the Masterplan is to identify the development potential and constraints in the Juba Valley, to define posslble development objectives and to elaborate a development programme which should be considered a first step towards a guided development in the The Masterplan consists of three main parts: ul liMain Report - contains a summary of all the findings and recommendations (previously presented in two separate volumes) /li liAnnex 1-14 and - document the detalls of the analysis carried out/li li Atlas - comprises maps in support of the analysls presented (referred to as Map 1, 2, 3,. . throughout the Main Report and the Annexes)./li /ul The Masterplan was presented as a Draft Final Report In September 1989. Subsequently, comments were prepared by MJVD and GTZ and Incorporated in this Final Report.

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Somali Democratic Republic, German Agency for Technical Cooperation

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Somali Democratic Republic, German Agency for Technical Cooperation

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Journal Article

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Flow forecasting models for Jubba and Shebelli rivers

This report describes a flow forecasting model for the rivers Jubba and Shebelli. The model was developed during the Somalia Hydrometry Project, which was instituted and supported by the Overseas Development Administration (ODA) as part of the British Government's programme of Technical Cooperation with developing countries. Staff from Sir M. MacDonald and Partners (now part of Mott MacDonald International)

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Institute of Hydrology, Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Micski J.

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Charcoal in Somalia: A woodfuel inventory in the Bay region of Somalia

pObjectives of the studybr To prepare for the multi-purpose management of the bushland the study team was set the objectives listed 1. To identify the major charcoal-producing areas in southern 2. To carry out an inventory to determine the amount of available charcoal from these 3. To study the regeneration of the two main species used in manufacture, Acacia bussel and A. 4. To evaluate the present state of the bushland and the effects of charcoal 5. To determine the benefits obtained from the bushland by the three communities present, i.e. the settled rural nomadic pastoralists and the charcoal 6. To determine the legality of customary rights of land, tree tenure and associated 7. To advise on the management of the bushlands. /p

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Bird, N., Shepherd G.

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National Range Agency (Mogadishu, Somalia), Overseas Development Administration (U.K.)

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German Agency for Technical Cooperation

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Brouwer, C.; Prins, C.; Heibloem, M.

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy), International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement

Brief description of major drainage basins affecting Somalia with reference to surface water resources

The purpose of this report is to provide a brief general description of the topography, drainage, rainfall and evapotranspiration of the areas concerned. Where available, this is supplemented by additional hydrological information. The report is meant to form a basis for future more detailed studies on the It should be pointed out that lack of data for large parts of the drainage basins (particularly those situated in Ethiopia) has meant that the information contained in this report had to be kept rather general.

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Kameer , D.

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy), United Nations Development Program


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