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Genale Bulo Marerta Project, Annex 2 - Water Resources

(Extract from the introduction) The terms of reference for the Master Plan contained the following major headings:br Soil survey with special emphasis on salinity problemsbr Topographic survey to prepare maps at a scale of 1: 25 000 using aerial photographybr Agricultural development mappingbr Survey of existing water use and the irrigation systembr Study of hydrology and the need for flood protectionbr Survey of existing hydro geological databr Demographic, economic and social; br Much of the work on-the assignment is common to both the Master Plan and the feasibility study and for this reason it was decided to use common annexes for both reports. br Volume 1 Master Plan - Main Report brings together all matters relevant to the 70 000 ha Study Area and Volume 2. Feasibility Study - Main Report, similarly covers the selected 5 000 ha Project; br SUMMARY OF REPORT TITLESbr Master Plan Reportbr Feasibility Study Reportbr Annex I Soilsbr Annex II Water Resourcesbr Annex LII Human Resources and Institutionsbr Annex IV Existing Agriculturebr Annex V Livestockbr Annex VI Potential Agricultural Developmentbr Annex VII Engineeringbr Annex VIII Economic and Financial Analysisbr Annex IX Management and Implementationbr Annex X Survey Databr Annex XI Inception Reportbr

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Somali Democratic Republic, Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

Design criteria, irrigation and drainage networks

(Extract from the introduction)br This note describes the design criteria used in the preparation of tender documents for Contract Nr Hi, and Nominated Sub-Contracts Nr H1/1 and H1/2 of the Homboy Irrigated Settlement Project, Somalia.

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Corporate Author:

Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

Homboy irrigated settlement project, Ground water

(Extract from the introduction)brThe main objective of the hydrogeological appraisal was to determine whether the potable water demand of the proposed settlements could be supplied from groundwater sources. Further objectives were to determine the best methods of groundwater abstraction and evaluate the costs of any necessary installations. The main problem with attaining these objectives has been the weakness of the existing data base. Thus, though some work relevant to the hydrogeology of the region had been done in the past, much of the data appears to have been lost. Particular examples of this are the boreholes drilled by the Russians, for which all records seem untraceable. Further, even such scant data as exists has never been systematically analysed and compiled. The approach of this study has been to collect all the published informationparticularly the various development reports, to interview the personnel of various agencies concerned with groundwater work in Somalia and to conduct a field survey to collect geological and hydrogeological data. All this information has been carefully processed and compiled to obtain a regional picture of the groundwater systems. The Project Area itself, for which basically no subsurface data exists, was then viewed within that regional context. The results obtained are not fully conclusive but they are strongly indicative.

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Hunting Technical Services Limited, Settlement Development Agency,Somalia

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Corporate Author:

Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

Moganbo Irrigation Project, Feasibility study Appendices volume 1: Climate water resources and Soils survey

This is a report on an irrigated agricultural project on the Juba River, now known as the Moganbo Irrigation Project. The report contains the following volumes: ol li; b Main Report /b; /li; li; b Summary Report /b; /li; li; b Appendices volume 1/b /li; li; b Appendices volume 2 /b; ul; li Irrigation and Drainage /li; li Infrastructure /li; li agricultural crops /li; li Livestock /li; /ul li bAppendices Volume 3/b ul; li Market and prices /li; li Sociological and Settlement consideration /li; li econonomic analysis /li; /ul; /li li; b Drawings Portfolio /b; /li; /ol

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Tippetts-Abbett-Mc Cathy-Stratton, Financial and Technical Services of Cairo

Moganbo Irrigation Project, Feasibility study Main report

This is a report on an irrigated agricultural project on the Juba River, now known as the Moganbo Irrigation Project. The report contains the following volumes: ol li; b Main Report /b; /li; li; b Summary Report /b; /li; li; b Appendices volume 1/b /li; li; b Appendices volume 2 /b; ul; li Irrigation and Drainage /li; li Infrastructure /li; li agricultural crops /li; li Livestock /li; /ul li bAppendices Volume 3/b ul; li Market and prices /li; li Sociological and Settlement consideration /li; li econonomic analysis /li; /ul; /li li; b Drawings Portfolio /b; /li; /ol

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Tippetts-Abbett-Mc Cathy-Stratton, Financial and Technical Services of Cairo

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)


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