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L-10 Land Degradation Assessment of a Selected Study Area in Somaliland

As a useful guide for conservation efforts in land resources management in Somaliland, this report describes the prevalent types of land degradation, their causes and impacts. This comprehensive study involved two levels of assessment. One covering the whole area using the LADA-WOCAT expert assessment method and the other focusing on a local area and using a combination of methods i.e LADA-WOCAT expert assessment, time-series (1982 to 2008) analysis of satellite images, and analysis of historical soil properties data. The most common land degradation types identifi ed include loss of vegetation, soil erosion, and decline in soil nutrient.

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Technical report

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Vargas R .R., Omuto C, Alim M.S, Lewis Njeru, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya), Ismail H., Somalia National University

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L-06 Haboonaanshiyo Dhul Aag laga Doortay gudaha Soomaaliyand

Si wax biirin u ah go’aanno siyaasad hogaamineedka qorshaynta isticmaalka dhulka, ayaa daraasadan waxay qeexeysaa awooda aagga daraasadda uu ku taageero noocyo isticmaal dhul oo gaar ah. Noocyada isticmaalka dhulka u muhiimsan la eegay waxay ahaayeen beer roobaad, daaq fidsan (xoolo-dhaqasho) iyo kayn. Haboonaanshiyo dhul waxaa lagu soo bandhigay qaab shaxeed, khariidado iyo faalooyin noocyo gaarah ee isticmaal dhul lagu qeexay dalagyo kala gaar ah, xoolo daaqeen ama noocyo dhir kayn. Warbixintan waxay sidoo kale bixinaysaa faahfaahino ku saabsan Hab Qiimayn Dhul oo Automaatik looga dhigay Soomaaliya (Somalia Automated Land Evaluation System (SOMALES )), taas oo ah hirgelin Qaab-hawleed FAO u isticmaasho Qiimayn Dhul iyo ALES software oo Soomaaliya loo diyaariyey. Warbixintan waa wax waxtar leh hogaamin go'aanno siyaasadeed oo ku taxaluqa qorshayn isticmaal dhul.

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Technical report

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L-11 Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for the Assessment of Pastoral Resources in Puntland, Somalia

The conceptual aim of the study is to test and evaluate the applicability of remote sensing tools and products in the assessing pastoral resources. In the study remote sensing in combination with fieldwork were used to assess pastoral resources in two study areas falling within Sanag, Sool, Nugal and Mudug Regions of Puntland in northern Somalia. The key purpose of the study was to test remote sensing techniques as tools for assessing and monitoring pastoral resources.

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Publication Type:

Technical report

Publication Date:


Oroda A.S., Oduori S. M., Vargas R.R

Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

L-11 Adeegsi Farsamooyin Jeedaalin Dareeme Fog si loo Qiimeeyo Khayraadka xoolo-daaqeenka gudaha Puntland, Soomaaliya

Ujeedada fikradeed ee daraasadda waa in la tijaabiyo oo la qiimeyn adeegsiga aalado jeedaalin dareeme fog iyo wax soo saar marka la qiimaynayo khayraadka xoolo-daaqeenka. Gudaha daraasadda jeedaalin dareeme fog oo ay ku biirsan tahay hawl duur ayaa la isticmaalay si loo qiimeeyo khayraad xoolo-daaqeen gudah laba goobood oo la darsayey oo ku yaal gudaha Gobollada Sanaag, Sool, Nugaal iyo Mudug ee Puntland gudaha waqooyiga Soomaaliya. Ujeedada daraasadda ugu muhiimsan waxay ahayd in la tijaabiyo farsamooyin Jeedaalin fog oo ah aalado lagu qiimeeyo oo lagula socodo khayraad xoolo-dhaqeen.

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Technical report

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L-10 Qiimayn Xaaluf Dhul ee Goob loo Xushay Daraasayn gudaha Soomaaliya

Sida hage waxtar u leh dadaalo ilaalin oo ku saabsan maareyn kheyraad dhul gudaha Somaliland, warbixintan waxay qeexaysaa noocyada baahsan ee xaalufka dhulka, waxa sababa iyo saamaynyahooda. Daraasadan oo dhamaystiran waxay lug leedahay laba heer oo qiimayn ah. Mid daboolaysa deegaanka oo dhan iyadoo la isticmaalayo habka khibradeed wax qiimeyn ee LADA-WOCAT iyo midda kale oo diiradda lagu saarayo aag maxali ah oo la isticmaalayo habab isku-dar ah sida LADA-WOCAT qiimayn khabiir, falanqayn masawirro dayax-gacmeed ee waqtiyo-taxane ah (1982 ilaa 2008), iyo falanqaynt xog sifooyin ciid oo taariikhiga ah. Noocyada ugu badan xaalufka dhulka la aqoonsaday waxaa ka mid ah dhir baabi’id, ciid hallaw, iyo hoos u dhac nafaqo ciid.

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Technical report

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Gadain H, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya), Aduwo D, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya), Hagen C, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

Corporate Author:

W-10 Hagaajinta Odoroska Fataadda iyo Digniinta Hore ee Soomaaliya

Soomaaliya waxaa la kulantaa fatahaad aad u daran gudaha dhulka dooxada webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle. Koror daran iyo soo noqnoqoshada daadadkaan waxay iyana markooda keeneen koror khasaare dhaqaale iyo dhaawacyo aadane markasta oo daadadkaani dhacaan.Warbixintani waxay soo bandhigaysaa fursado farsamadeed ee horumarinta hababka odoroska fatahaadda iyo digniinta hore ee Soomaaliya. Tani waa natiijada ka dhalatay qiimayn ay SWALIM iyo Hayadda Sahminta Joolojiyadeed ee Maraykanka (United States Geological Survey ( USGS )) ku sameeyeen Webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle ee hillaadinta qulqul webi iyo qiimeynta habab u heeganaan daad butaaco ah ee magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Hargeysa.

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Technical report

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W-10 Improving Flood Forecasting and Early Warning in Somalia

Somalia experiences severe fl ooding in the riverine areas of the Juba and Shabelle. Increased severity and frequency of these floods have in turn led to increased economic damage and human casualties whenever these fl oods occur. This report presents technical options for the development of fl ood forecasting and early warning systems in Somalia. It is the outcome of an assessment carried out by SWALIM and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) on the Juba and Shabelle rivers for river fl ow forecasting and an assessment of Garowe and Hargeisa towns for fl ash fl ood alert systems.

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Publication Type:

Technical report

Publication Date:


Gadain H.M., Muchiri, P. W., Muthusi F.M.

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Publication Type:

Conference Proceedings

Publication Date:


Paron P. (Editor), FAO SWALIM, Rojas V. (Editor), FAO SWALIM, Pellikka P.

Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

L-07 Land Use Characterization of the Juba and Shabelle

Land use types in the Juba and Shabelle riverline areas were identifi ed through land cover analysis, interviews with land users and the use of past and current satellite images. The report also shows the characterisation of different land use present in the Juba and Shabelle riverine areas. Land-use classes in the study area were determined through land cover analysis, semi-structured interviews and interpretation of satellite imagery, and are described with their specifi c attributes. Users will obtain a detailed overview of land use activities in the study area.

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Publication Type:

Technical report

Publication Date:


Oduori S. M., Vargas R.R, Alim M.S

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