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World Health Organization

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Threadle pumps for irrigation in Africa

The international Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) commissioned this report on the status and prospects for treadle pumps in Africa, particularly concerning how smallholders can take up such devices to support irrigation. In view of the fact that treadle pumps are now being used in many African countries, this document is a state-of-the-art report. It identifies what needs to be done by agencies, donors, NGOs and manufacturers to make such pumps acceptable and accessible for smallholders. It is aimed at irrigation professionals, donors, decision makers and NGOs promoting small-scale irrigation in Africa. Information has been provided from many sources. Particular reference is made to the national experts who were commissioned by IPTRlD to collect up-to-date information from a number of African countries. The report begins with a review of the different treadle pumps currently in use in Africa and the information available on their technical performance, with a view to trying to answer the question - Which is the best treadle pump? Or perhaps more appropriately - Which is the best for a given situation? This is followed by reports prepared by national experts on the experience of using treadle pumps in different countries across Africa. These principally address the important issues of economic and social impact of this technology change, its acceptability and sustainability. This experience should help those who are just beginning to think about treadle pumps, wondering if they are right for them and, if so, how best to introduce them into their situation.

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International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage

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World Health Organization

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Regional Land Management Unit

Dams and development; A new framework for decision making

Dams and Development-A New Framework for Decision-Making, by the World Commission on Dams, is the most influential and important report related to water resources management today. The World Commission on Dams (WCD) was born out of a significant IUCN-World Bank-sponsored workshop in Gland, Switzerland in April 1997. Representatives of diverse interests came together to discuss the highly controversial issues associated with large dams. After much discussion, and being unable to reach consensus, they proposed the establishment of a andrdquoWorld Commission on Damsandrdquoto discuss the issues more in-depth and to try to arrive at some kind of conclusion. The commission began its work in May 1998 and presented its completed findings on 16 November 2000 in London, after heated discussions and input from many specialists and related personalities. The reports consists of Part I, andrdquoThe WCD Global Review of Large Dams,andrdquoand Part II, andrdquoThe Way Forward,andrdquowhich includes many tables, figures, and annexes (bibliography, glossary, etc.). Following Chapter 1, andrdquoWater, Development and Large Dams,andrdquoPart I consists of five chapters: andrdquoTechnical, Financial and Economic Performance,andrdquoandrdquoEcosystems and Large Dams: Environmental Performance,andrdquoandrdquoOptions for Water and Energy Resources Development,andrdquoand andrdquoDecision-Making, Planning and Institutions.andrdquoPart II consists of four chapters: andrdquoEnhancing Human Development: Rights, Risks and Negotiated Outcomes,andrdquoandrdquoStrategic Priorities,andrdquoandrdquoCriteria and Guidelines-Applying the Strategic Priorities,andrdquoand andrdquoBeyond the Commissions-An Agenda for Change.andrdquoBecause the report has plenty of statistical and historical information on large dams all over the world, it is useful and important as databook

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World Commission on Dams

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United Nations International Childrens Education Fund

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Summarized physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites volume 1 part 5/2

Summarized physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites in the study areas

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Resource Management and Research

Summarized physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites volume 1 part 2

Summarized physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites in the study areas

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Resource Management and Research

Summarized physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites volume 1 part 5/2

Summarised physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites

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Resource Management and Research

Assesment review of the Jowhar water supply system

In October 1995, it became clear that some of the problems faced by the population of Jowhar town, including the occurrence of cholera and other water borne related diseases, were due to lack of adequate clean and potable water supply. Thus in July 1996, Implementation of the rehabilitation of the Jowhar town water supply system started and was completed in September 1997. Since August 1997, about 23,256 persons of Jowhar town have had unlimited access to safe and potable water supply, thus reducing the incidences of water borne diseases such as cholera, thus contributing in Improving the heath of the communities. Furthermore, there has been reduction in the time spent by women and girls In search of clean water and the provision of employment opportunities for community members. Most Importantly for the first time in local history, rival clans were brought together to work for the sole benefit of their communities. It is against this background that UNICEF Somalia has decided to learn from the successes and constraints of the Jowhar town water supply system by conducting an assessment review that will incorporate the following: br • Engineering works done on the rehabilitation of the system by UNICEF,br • Existing and operating management set up of the FARJANO Company, br • Any system expansions done by FARJANO and costs involved,br

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United Nations International Childrens Education Fund

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Department for International Development

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United Nations International Childrens Education Fund

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Guidelines for impact monitoring; Toolkit module

(Extracts from introduction notes)Corresponding to selected steps of the SLM-IM procedure, the Toolkit Module contains a selection of practical and cost-effective methods, criteria, models, frameworks and examples. These were developed - and partly published - by various authors and institutions. For each tool, the Guidelines gives a brief introduction and - whenever possible depending on the source of the tool - specifies potentials, limitations, advantages, disadvantages, and required inputs and investments. In addition, users are provided with a reference source and/or address in case they need more detailed information to apply a tool.

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Centre for Development and Environment

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Journal Article

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Flora of Somalia, Volume 2 - Angiospermae (Tiliaceae-Apiaceae)

The Aim of the project is to cover all vascular plants known to occur in Somalia, and establish a foundation for all future plant related work in the country. This Second volume covers 32 families with a total of 416 species of which 42 have been described as new within the project. Three species, which are additional to the previously published volumes 1 and 4 are also included in the appendix

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Conference Proceedings

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy),Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries of the Netherlands,International Fund for Agricultural Development

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Land Use Planning and Resource Management Project

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Corporate Author:

United Nations International Childrens Education Fund


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