Buug-hagahaan Shan Duureed waxaa soo saaray kooxda dhulka SWALIM (Soomaaliya Water and Land Information Management System) si hoggaamiye u ah tusaale fikrado iyo aalado marka lagu fulinayo sahammo khayraad dhul duur ah. Waxaa loogu talagalay in loo isticmaalo labada meelood oo ah Somaliland iyo Koonfur Soomaaliya, labada meelood ee Mashruuca SWALIM ee hadda jira fiirada lagu saaray. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa isticmaali kara cid kasta oo aqoon-xirfadeed leh iyo / ama hay'ad ku hawlan diiwaangellinno khayraad dhul.
The purpose of the present report is two-fold: (1)To summarize and consolidate the main findings of the various land resource surveys and studies carried out in the three study areas and (2) to give a generalized assessment of the land resources of the whole country, based on both existing data (notably on climatic and soils) and on recent SWALIM data.
Written by a select group of African academics, policy makers, researchers, and experts from various social and economic science disciplines, African E-Markets provides provocative insights and case studies on the role information plays in African development. Up-to-date research and analysis on the impact of various forms of information on the development process is presented, including e-economic development and its impact on economic growth. Calling for greater attention to be paid to information as a key sector in national economic development, this exploration of African economics cites the advantages of better statistical data and geographic information for more effective economic planning, management, and forecasting in the digital age.
Waxaa jira walaac kordhaya oo ku aadan xaaful saabtay beer- iyo beyado dabiiciyeed. Arrintan, daraasado isticmaal dhul ayaa noqonaya aasaaska falanqaynta sababaha horseedaya xaaluf wax soo saarka geyi beer iyo beyad, ama sii xumaanshaha beyad dabiiciyeed. Daraasadaan waxay isu keeneysaa farsamooyinka baarista cilmiyeysan ee GIS iyo jeedaalin dareeme fog sida qalab wax lagu khariidadeeyo, ay la socto soo indha-indheyn dhul oo ay ku jirto wareysiyo yara-qaabaysan oo goob walba u gaar ah oo lala yeesho dad maxalli ah oo yaqaan deegaanka iyo xiriir lala sameeyo hay'ado maxalli ah. Macluumaadka soo baxay waxaa loo isticmaali karaa in uu caawiyo si loo sameeyo doorashooyin caqli gal ah oo ku saabsan isticmaal dhul, go'aamin meesha ugu wanaagsan in laga dhigo degsiimooyin cusub, dhul beereed, biyo-mareen, waraab, meel-mah iyo goor-mah ayaa la isticmaalayaa farsamoooyin cusub, si loo sharaxo kala duwanaan masaaxadeed iyo mid xilliyeed ee wax soo saar, iyo in laga jawaabo su'aalo kale oo badan oo ku saabsan maareyn, isticmaal iyo ilaalinta deegaanka dabiiciga ah.
Laga soo bilaabo bilowgii dagaalka sanadkii 1991, lama fulin wax hawl sahan ciideed ah oo waxaa lumtay xogtii cidda ee la hayey oo SOGREAH ay soo saartay, oo ay ku jiraan khariidado muujinaya kala duwanaashiyaha ciidda. Iyadoo la eegayo in hore loo socdo, oo la tixgelinayo hawlaha qorshaynta mustaqbalka gudaha Soomaaliya, ayaa waxaa jira baahi loo qabo in la curiyo xog saldhig ah taasoo laga helayo muuqaal sax ah ee xaaladda jirta ee khayraadka dabbiiciga. SWALIM waxay fulisay sahan ciid iyadoo isticmaaleysa habraacyo isku dhafan oo casri iyo soo jireen ah (si looga gudbo caqabadaha kala duwan ee ka jira gudaha dagaanka la darsay) si loo khariidadeeyo ciido kala duwanaanshiyaha masaaxadeed oo door muhiim ah u jira qiimaynta haboonaanshiyaha dhulka iyo xaalufka dhulka, ay daneyaan isticmaaleyaal kala duwan.
Natureandrsquos Benefits in Kenya is an Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being represents a step forward in the analysis of poverty in Kenya and its relation to the natural environment. It is the result of a partnership of national and international organizations, some of which were involved in preparing the first high-resolution poverty maps of Kenya. This publication springs from an effort among these partners to overlay the newly created poverty maps with environmental resource maps based on surveys and remote sensing data. The intent is to show the location and status of key environmental resources that are likely to have significant links with poverty. In creating this report, we worked with several purposes and audiences in mind.
World Resources Institute,Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (Government of Kenya),International Livestock Research Institute,Central Bureau of Statistics (Government of Kenya)
The Somalia Water Sources Information Management System (SWIMS) is a data management software developed by the Somalia Water and Land Information Management project (SWALIM). The software provides a link to the agencies working in different regions in Somalia towards developing a water sources inventory for the entire country.
SWIMS waa aalad loogu talagalay in lagu dhiso diiwaagelin ilo biyood ee gudaha Soomaaliya taasi waxay suurogelin doontaa asteynta aasaasiga ee ilaha marka la eego xaaladaha oogadeed, dhaqan-dhaqaale iyo maareynneed. Ulajeedada buug-hogaamiyaha duurka waa in la hubiyo habraac la wadaago si xogta duurka laga soo ururiyo ay adeegsadaan dhaammaan isticmaaleyaasha SWIMS. Tani waa tallaabada kowaad ee ugu adag si loo hubiyo tayada xogta iyo sugnaanta guud ee ka dhaxaysa iyo isla xogta uruursan ee ku jirta SWIMS labada.
The purpose of the Somalia Water Information Management System (SWIMS) is to provide a mechanism for constructing and maintaining an inventory of Water Sources in Somalia to
The hydro-geological survey and drilling 8 boreholes aims to improve the availability of water in areas identified as high priority and those having acute shortage of water supply. These include areas of settlement of vulnerable groups such as returnees, IDPs and pastoral population in drought stricken regions of Somalia
SWALIM waxay dib-u-hagaajinaysaa shabakad roob-cabire gacmeed qaran oo qayb ka ah hababkeeda macluumaadka biyo iyo dhul. Xog ururiska qarameed ee la sameeyay waxaa loo isticmaali doonaa si loo taageero khariidayn cimilo, digniin hore ee daad iyo daraasado kale oo cilmi-biyood ah (Hydrological studies). Sidoo kale xog ururisku wuxuu noqon doonaa mid si xor ah ay u heli karto cid kasta oo danaynaysa. SWALIM waxay wadi doontaa indha-indheynta rug kasta oo ka tirsan gundhigga xogta taasoo lagu wareejin doono dawladda Soomaaliyeed ee soo baxaysa marka waqtigu ku haboonaado.
Water from dry riverbeds as a hands on manual provides the requisite insights and information on how surface runoff that is released into seasonal rivers as flash floods can be harnessed and abstracted through appropriate technologies such as hand dug wells, weirs and sand storage dams (sand and subsurface dams). This hands-on handbook begins with a historical perspective/background information on sandy riverbeds as reservoirs of good quality water and then goes on to look into the survey and design considerations required before constructing hand dug wells, weirs and sand storage dams (sand and subsurface dams). This manual has also addressed the concern over when to develop these water sources by giving the suitable seasons for surveys and construction works. The latter information is important because experiences from emergency relief operations in the arid lands of Kenya (i.e. Turkana) have showed that the construction of sand storage dams in times of drought cannot provide the badly needed water to water deficit areas. Instead, these dams should be developed with a view to being recharged during the rainy season and utilized in subsequent dry spells.