List of phases


The SWALIM Phase VI began in November 2018 to October 2022, it contributes to the FAO regional initiatives on building resilience in Africa’s drylands. The project also contributes to the FAOSO Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Somalia . SWALIM VI project contributes directly to Outcome 1: “Strengthened institutional capacity and decision support for Somalia’s agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors and natural resource management” and will deliver outputs in three core result areas;

  •  Water and Land Information Generation -Maintain and expanding water and land early warning and monitoring systems, in parallel with developing new baselines for newly recovered areas, and producing new studies that underpin development.
  • Information Management for Knowledge Communication - Ensure availability of relevant information to government and its institutions, as well as other key stakeholders including international development partners, civil society, the private sector, and academic research partners through IRU’s with dedicated IM tools, services, staff and procedures.
  • Developing Capacity - Strengthen capacity and ownership of government through provision of resources, training and education, and technical assistance for the development of durable institutions and their personnel.

Phase V

The SWALIM Phase V began in February 2013 to October 2017, it builds on previous phases to empower Somali stakeholders and facilitate the active use of SWALIM assets, systems and services in the decision-making process. The focus of the phase was to ensure that  those responsible for sustainable natural resources management, planning, investment, disaster preparedness/response and resilience building are empowered through the use of FAO‐SWALIM information resources on water, land resources and early warning. The capacity of Somali public institutions and other stakeholders werebe further strengthened, developed and consolidated to facilitate the eventual transfer of project activities to the relevant Somali authorities. A key component of this phase was to develop and implement a clear Information, Communication and Knowledge Management (ICKM) Strategy which can serve as a model for Somali efforts.

Phase IV

Phase IV, which ran from February 2010 to January 2012, aimed at ensuring that available information regarding water and land allows for evidence-based decision-making on emergency, rehabilitation, development and natural resources management interventions.

Phase III

The objectives of Phase III, running from January 2008 to December 2009, were to further develop land and water monitoring networks and resource assessments, and enhance the natural resources management capacity in the country. This effort was aimed primarily at Somali authorities, institutions and other stakeholders in coordination with international players, and strengthened through improved and dedicated information management systems.

Phase II

During Phase II, which ran from October 2004 to September 2007 and built upon the achievements of the first phases, SWALIM’s objective was to compile and make available accurate and up-to-date information on water and land resources to support and enable improved water and food security, as well as to promote the sustainable use of natural resources for the people of Somalia.

Phase I

Phase I of the project (funded by EC) was implemented from June 2003 to February 2004 with the objective of providing a new baseline in water and land information in Somalia. This phase also provided technical assistance to improve the planning and implementation capacity of Somalia Aid Coordination Body (SACB) partners.


The establishment phase of the project was funded through Italian government assistance and aimed to set up the basis for water and land resources management in Somalia. The focus was on recovering and collecting lost, dispersed and damaged information assets from the pre-war period and establishing the infrastructure for managing and expanding upon these assets.
