Training activities

Provisional List of Training Offerings

SWALIM provides training in the following courses:  

  1. Computer Hardware and Software - IM101: This course introduces learners to computer hardware and software to build initial understanding of these two important aspects of computing. The different computer hardware are presented, discussed and their use elaborated. The course also elaborated on the factors to considerer when setting up a computing facility. On the software side, the course discusses the differences between operating and application software and elaborates on their roles and areas of application. Different operating and application software are referred and examples of their application provided.
  2. Basic Information Management - IM102: Enables the participant to understand what information management is, describe the information management process, appreciate issues and challenges relating to information management and the apply Information Management concepts in their work.will be able to understand what information management is, describe the information management process, appreciate issues and challenges relating to information management and the apply Information Management concepts in their work.
  3. Data Analysis - IM103: The trainees are taken through the process of collection, evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. Data on water and land resources of somalia sources is gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form some sort of finding or conclusion. There are a variety of specific data analysis method, some of which include data mining, text analytics, business intelligence, and data visualizations.
  4. Report Writing - IM104: - This course aims to develop the capacity of the learners to write concise reports that meet the needs for which they are written. The different types of reports are explained and their differences explained, as well as the situations where they are applicable. For each type of reports, the learners are given the opportunity to practise the skills gained. A number of writing resources and support tools are also discussed and references to these resources provided.
  5. Map Reading and GPS - GS201: Introduces Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS) devices in field data collection. In the map reading part of the course, the participants are trained on the use and interpretation of different type of maps and application in field data collection. Emphasis is made on water and land resource management. On the GPS part of the training, the participants are introduced to GPS and shown how GPS can be used in field data collection. Participants are taken through practical data collection sessions on collection using GPS and integrated these data collected in maps.
  6. Basic Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - GS202: The aim of this course is to build capacity of Somali authorities, Local and International NGO and UN Agencies working in Somalia on the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies in development work. By the end of this course, the participants will have acquired the skills required to use GIS in their work.
  7. Google Earth - GS203: This course introduces Google Earth and demonstrates how field GPS data can be integrated and viewed in Google Earth. In addition to introducing the participants to Google Earth, the course will show how Google Earth can be used in resource management including water and land resource management among others. The participants will also be trained on how to download and integrated data collected with GPS devices into Google Earth as a GIS environment.
  8. Advanced Geographic Information Systems - GS204: This course advances the trainees knowledge from the basic GIS to more complex fuctions of GIS including data analysis, combining and mapping different sources of data, image interpretation etc. It requires the participants to have completed Basi GIS training
  9. Weather Observations - WR301: The course helps weather observers understand the importance of weather observations and the need to follow the set international standards in data collection. Rainfall data collection is emphasized to ensure data is usable.
  10. Point Water Sources Management - WR302: This course introduces new users to the Somalia Water Sources Information Management (SWIMS) software and its functionalities. SWIMS is a tool developed to collect and manage point water sources data for Somalia. The course describes the different features of SWIMS and guides users step by step through the software.By the end of the course, participants will have gained skills to enable them use SWIMS to manage water sources data.
  11. Water Quality Monitoring - WR303: This course was developed to introduce tools for basic water quality monitoring and statistical analysis using excel, it provides trainees with practical knowledge and experience in using the portable water kit to analyse water for both physical and chemical parameters including water temperature, electrical conductivity and PH
  12. Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning - WR30: The course aims at increasing the trainees awareness of the process of Early Warning System, leading to better performance in disaster preparedness and response. The idea behind this training is capacity building for increased awareness in interpreting and taking proactive measures and decisions whenever early warning on floods and drought hazards is disseminated. The contents generally follow the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Early Warning System principles, procedures, and terminologies.
  13. Soil Fertility Testing - LR401: The aim of this course is to enable participants to carry out soil testing and soil research. To help in understanding the inherent fertility status of the soils, the training comprises a general overview of the basic concepts of soil fertility and how nutrient availability affects crop production and management. Participants are trained in four steps of soil fertility testing; (1) Skills required for collection of representative soil samples from a sampling area using an auger or a spade or shovel, (2) Analysis of the soil samples using portable field test kit for rapid soil testing (3) Interpretation of analytical results based on the value report in the soil test, and (4) Management recommendations based on interpreted analytical results.
  14. Land Degradation monitoring - LR402: This course aims to create understanding of the phenomenon of land degradation in arid environment among individuals and organizations involve in environment management in Somali.  Land degradation is the reduction of land resource potential by one or more degradation processes such as water or wind erosion or reduction of natural vegetation. The participants will also be aware of the various Sustainable Land Management (SLM) approaches that are currently practiced in Somalia and other parts of the world. At the end of the course, participants will understand land degradation processes and the FAO Land Degradation Assessment in Dry lands (LADA) framework. Participants will also be able to monitor land degradation.

The training is conducted in a classroom environment and practical outdoor field-work is provided where applicable to give participants an opportunity to put into practice what they have learned.
