Weather Updates

SWALIM produces and distributes a number of informational bulletins and alerts providing the latest information and data on various aspects of the climate situation in Somalia.  These bulletins and alerts are delivered through e-mail upon subscription sending an email to

List of weather monitoring bulletins
Bulletin Name Description
Three Day Rainfall Forecast A daily update that provides cumulative rainfall forecast for the next 72 hours. The bulletin provides a quick overview of the weather over the whole of Somalia in English and Somali.
Flood Watch A weekly update on rainfall and river levels within the Juba and Shabelle river basins in Somalia. The bulletin provides rainfall performance for the previous week and the forecast for the coming week.
Dekadal Rainfall Update An update of rainfall activities in Somalia over the last ten days (dekad). The bulletin compares the current dekad to the long-term average to ascertain if the rainfall performance is above or below normal.
Regional Monthly Weather Updates A monthly update produced by SWALIM, in collaboration with the Ministries of Agriculture from both Puntland and Somaliland monthly during the rainy seasons that gives an update on the weather in each region. Available in English from March to June and from October to November.
Drought Watch A bulletin that is produced only during periods of drought in the country, that reviews the current situation in terms of rainfall, vegetation, and river levels. These details are analysed along with other data to give the current and potential socio-economic impact of the drought on the ground.
Alerts A variety of alerts which are produced as needed in response to crisis or emergency conditions. The alerts provide early warning in cases where flooding, drought or any other weather-related hazard is foreseen in the near future.
Gu/Deyr Rainfall Outlook A seasonal update that is produced at the beginning of the Gu and Deyr rainy seasons (March and September). It shows the rainfall forecast for the coming season and reviews potential impacts for different sectors such as agriculture and livestock.
Gu/Deyr Rainfall Perfomance An update that is produced at the end of the Gu and Deyr rainy seasons (in June and November). It highlights the general performance of rainfall during the previous season, the impact on agriculture and vegetation conditions and better assessment of the state of production areas.

