Water sources map for Bay region of Somalia. Map produced using data from ACF survey on Somalia Water sources. To request this map quote the reference: WAT-WATER-17012006-NA3815-A1-001
The book 'Some Medicinal Trees and Shrubs of Eastern Africa for Sustainable Utilisation and Commercialisation' is a fulfilment of one of the major recommendations adopted by the East and Central Africa Regional Agricultural Forum for Training Team (ECA-RAFT) Workshop and General meeting held in Kigali, Rwanda, during the period 24th 281h May 2004. The ECA RAFT, an ICRAF supported initiative, is a regional network of public Universities and Colleges, dedicated to the enhancement of training in Agroforestry and integrated natural resources management in tertiary institutions. The general assembly of ECARAFT, while reviewing the status of Agroforestry and natural resources educational materials available in universities and tertiary institutions in the region, concluded that there was an urgent need to enhance and mobilise the teaching capacity of educators and educational institutions in Agroforestry and integrated natural resources management. Hence, the adoption of the recommendation: andldquoto develop a new manuscript on medicinal trees and shrubsandrdquoas one key regional priority activity in pursuit of this objective. Consequently and within the constraints of the available resources, a regional team drawn from four universities namely, Makerere University, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenyatta University (KU) and coordinated by Maseno University (MSU) was constituted to undertake the task that has culminated in the publication of this book.
Mapping Global Cities: GIS Methods in Urban Analysis shows how the analysis of relevant data with GIS can provide powerful new perspective in addressing urban research and policy questions, and it enhances our understanding and efforts in solving urban planning problems. Author Aye Pamuk draws upon her extensive fieldwork in developing countries, as well as more than ten years of work as a university professor, and extends those in new ways by using the power of spatial analysis with GIS. Part I of the book shows how analysts use GIS to explore global metropolitan regions, and provides an overview of spatial data used in GIS analysis. Part II shows how urban planners and policy makers use GIS, emphasizing the issue of local government and social service delivery. Part III shows how researchers use GIS to analyze spatial patterns in metropolitan areas, including locating immigrant clusters with census data and comparing immigrant clustering patterns across metropolitan areas. The bookandrsquos accompanying CD contains data and printable, step-by-step GIS exercise including a self-directed project, that enable students and users to make maps and explore themes covered in the chapters.
This CEP provides environmental, Social and economic information to the EC Somalia office to Guide the identification of specific recomendations on enviromental objectives and benchmarks for the EC cooperation activities in ita 2008-2013 indicative programed for Somalia
(Extract from summary) This report summarizes the result of the hydrogeological and geophysical studies carried out to assess groundwater potential of the Puntland State of Somali for Mam and Bros drilling company/UNDP project.
The aim of the project is to cover all vascular plants known to occur in Somalia, and establish a foundation for all future plant related work in the country. This volume is the last to appaer in a series of four and covers 33 families with a total of more than 1000 species, of which 137 have been described as new within the project. Twenty eight further new species, described in the last few years, which are additional to the previuos published volumes 1, 2 and 4, are included in the appendix, along with a number of species that represent new records for the country. Indexes vernacular and scientific names conclude the volume, and a cummulative index to all four volumes is also provided.
SWALIM is re-establishing the national manual rain-gauge network as part of its water and land information systems. The national data set formed will be used to support climate mapping, flood early warning and other hydrological studies. The data set will also be freely accessible to any interested parties. SWALIM will maintain the observations of each station in a dedicated database which will be handed over to an emerging Somali authority at the appropriate time.
Land cover changes affect the hydrologic regime of an area, manifested at different spatial and temporal scales. This book highlights results of a technical study commissioned by RELMA-in-ICRAF focussing on the relationship between land use and the local hydrology. Field surveys and Quickbird images were used to establish the impact of land use and landcover changes in Lare Division of Nakuru District in Kenya and how these have contributed to the adoption of rainwater harvesting mainly using ponds. It has also dwelt at length on the technical and socioeconomic aspects of the runoff harvesting ponds. It is hoped that experiences learnt from here can be applied in areas of similar agro-ecological zones within the Eastern and Southern Africa region.
This report contains comprehensive qualitative and quantitative study of enviromental degradation in the Gebi Valley and Sool Plateau of Sanaag Region in the Northern Somalia.The report was commissioned by Horn Relief in recognition of the environmental factors contribuiting to the over four year drought(2000-2004) in the Gebi Valley and Sool Plateau ecological zones. This report provides baseline data for monitoring of environmental change in the areas and information for developing appropriate programs to address environmental degradation and desertification in the areas
This report contains comprehensive qualitative and quantitative study of enviromental degradation in the Gebi Valley and Sool Plateau of Sanaag Region in the Northern Somalia.The report was commissioned by Horn Relief in recognition of the environmental factors contribuiting to the over four year drought(2000-2004) in the Gebi Valley and Sool Plateau ecological zones. This report provides baseline data for monitoring of environmental change in the areas and information for developing appropriate programs to address environmental degradation and desertification in the areas
A to Z GIS presents the most comprensive collection of GIS terms and illustrations to help students and professionals to help students and professionals understand and use th special language of GIS in research, field studies and real world applications. With definations written, developed and contributed by more than 150 subject matter experts, the book is packed with: more thaan 1800 terms, nearly 400 full color illustrations and seven encyclopedia style appendix articles about annotations and labels, features, geometry, layers in arcGIS, software map projections and coordinate systems, remote sensing and topology.
SHAAC Consulting Company was commissioned by Cosob Well drilling Company of Somaliland to undertake detailed hydrogeological and geophysical investigation at 13 localities in Somaliland. The investigated sites are situated in all regions of Somaliland. Two sites are in Awdal Region, four sites in Northwest region, two in Saaxil, one site in Togdher, two in Sool and two in Sanaag region. The purpose of the study Was to identify suitable locations for successful borehole drilling within the selected town and villages. The project was intended to improve the availability of water and sanitation in areas identified as high priority and those of having acute shortages of water supply. These include areas of settlements of vulnerable groups such as returnees, IDPs and pastoral population though detailed water investigation in order to identify suitable sites for well drilling
This handbook is a comprehensive guide that deals with installing and using rain gauges for rainfall data collection. Based on the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) recommended procedures, it describes the types of rain gauges commonly used in Somalia; gives tips on how to select an appropriate location/site that is free of distorting factors; shows how to install and maintain each type of rain gauge and ensure that the resulting catch is representative of the rainfall area. The report gives detailed instructions on how to make and record readings, as well as on how to complete, archive and transmit all forms associated with the rain gauge. It is intended for use by anyone involved with rainfall observation in Somalia. To promote widespread use of this manual, excerpts of the practical sections have been translated into the Somali language.
This report is an end-of-project (EOP) evaluation of the emergency water rehabilitation project between August 14 to September 5 2005 in Bakol and Bay regions. ADRA has been implementing Emergency rehabilitation and Institutional support of water points project in Bakol and Bay regions, Somalia since the year 2000. br Among the project's objectives are: to increase availability and accessibility of Safe water to 15 L/person/day in drought affected districts of Bay and Bakol districts. It also seeks to improve communities' environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, through health and hygiene education.
The 7-day Rainfall Estimates (RFE) for the week ending November 7th indicate that there has been sporadic rainfall on areas of the Ethiopian catchments of both the Juba and Shabelle rivers. The RFE also indicates light rainfall in Somalia on the Juba and Shabelle catchments.
The total reported catch from Bulo Burti for the last 7 days was 7mm. Rains have been reported on the Lower Shabelle around Kurtunwarrey. There has still been no rain in Luuq and Bardhere.
The rainfall forecast for the coming week is for up to 45 mm of rain in the Ethiopian catchments and for between 10-20 mm in the Southern Somalia.
Flood risk for the forecast period is considered minimal. However, careful monitoring of the river stages is necessary, especially on the Juba following observed rainfall in the Ethiopian highlands of juba
The 7-day Rainfall Estimates (RFE) for the week ending November 13th indicate low rainfall in the upper catchments of both rivers.
No rains were reported in Bulo Burti and Belet Weyne for the last week. No rain has been reported in Luuq and Bardhere. 76mm of rain fell was reported from Buale over the weekend.
The rainfall forecast for the coming week is for up to 45 mm of rain in the Ethiopian catchments and for between 10-20 mm in the Southern Somalia. Rainfall of up to 45mm is expected over North Eastern Kenya, and South Western Somalia.
Flood risk for the forecast period is considered minimal.