- Any - Abbate, E Abbate, E. (Editor) Abdullahi Hassan Magan Abdulle Actur D. Aduwo D, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) Ahmed Ibrahim Awale Ahmed Jama Sugule Ahmed Yusuf Alexandratos, N. (Ed) Ali Ege Duale Ali Khalif Noor (Eng.), Water Department, Puntland State of Somalia Ali M. A., Agriculture and Community Services Ali T. (Editor), FAO Alim M. S., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Alim M Alim M.S Alim, M.S, Horn Relief Allen G. A., Utah State University, Logan Utah (USA) Andreas W. T. Andrew Noble eds., International Water Management Institute Arc View GIS Archer, S.,R.,C. Artan G. ASante, K. Atakilte Beyene (Editor) Atkinson, A.; Coute, P. Baird D, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) BARC- GIS Bart Snellen, W. (International Inst. for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen (Netherlands)) Basnyat D, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) Bayliss,A. Bentvelsen, C.L.M. Berger Louis International, Inc, USAID Besteman, C. Besteman, C. (Editor) Biamah E. K., Horn Relief Bird, N. Blackburn H. Bloom,G.;Sisto,I; Graham,A; Bessuges,P; Fellicia T.; Raven, R Bonnemayer J, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) Borrie, J. Borsboom P., SAWA Borsboom P., SAWA Bosch, B.E.; Hoevenaas,J.; Brouwer,C;, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement Bosch, B.E.; Snellen, W.B.;Brouwer,C;, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement Bosshard, P. Bouman D., SAWA Bowen R E, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Brabben, T., IPTRID Bradbury, M. Branscheid, V. Brierley, G., J. Brink A, European Commission Brouwer, C.; Goffeau, A.; Heibloem, M. Brouwer, C.; Prins, C.; Heibloem, M. Brouwer,C;, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement Calabresi,G.,, ESA Caonera, D.,A. Cassanelli, L. V (Editor) Chanduvi F., FAO Land and Water Development Division Chanduvi F., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Charlier, I.;, FAO Global Information and Early Warning System Choudhury K. (Editor) Chris Funk Chrisie,F.; Hanlon J. Christian R, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Clark D M, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Clarke, R. T., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, (U.K) Cody,J. Cody,J. Coe R., ICRAF, Kenya Collignon B. Conze,P.; Labahn,T. Coudert, J.M., (Bureau de Recherche Geologique et Miniere, Orleans (France). Remote Sensing Dept.); Coultan, V. Dainneli, N. Dardano A., Italian Cartographic Service De Lange, M.; Dede,C. Dejene A. Dennis, P.W. Dixon J. Doorenbos, J., Plusje, J.M.G.A. Downie M. Dr Dudding, J., Institute of Cultural Affairs Dumasky J. Duveskog,D. Edmund G.C.Barrow Egal H. Egal H., United Nations International Childrens Education Fund El- Moweli N, Soil, water and environment research institute El-Shaer (Editor), DRC Elias Habte-Selassie, UNDOS Elst , R. (Dr.), Oceanographic Research Institute Kwa Zulu-Natal (SA) Eng. Samanter Estienne C. European commission on agriculture working party on water resources and Irrigation, European Commission Eva H D, European Commission Faillace C. Faillace E. R. Faillace E. R. Faillace E.,R. Faillace, C Faillace, C. Faillace, E. R. Faillace, E.,R. FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO Land and Water Division FAO Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Faulkner, D. Fino D. Fino, D. Fischer G. ,W; Antoine J. Folwell S Forbes, A., The world Conservation Union Fox, E. J., Intermedia NCG, Nairobi (Kenya) Fox, E. J., NCG Kenya Fox, E.,J., Intermedia NCG Fox, E.,J., Intermedia NCG Fox, E.,M., IntermediaNCG Fox, J.,E., Intemedia NCG Frenken, K (Eds) Frenken, K., FAO Sub-Regional Office for East and Southern Africa Fry M., Center for Ecology and Hydrology Fry, M.;Houghton-Carr,H.; Folwell,S, Center for Ecology and Hydrology Fryirs K. A. FSAU Gadain H, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) Gadain H.M. Gahnook, A. A., COSVADA Gajsek, C.;, International Commitee of the Red Cross/Crescent, Somalia, Nairobi Galand, A., Soci`et`e du Canal de Provence, France Garlick C., SSC, UK GARMIN Corporation Gemmell B., A., P., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Gemmell A.,P. Gemmell A.,P. Gemmell A.P.B., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Geoffrey Kimathi, UNDP- Somalia Gibbon D. Gicheru, C., M., Earth water Ltd., Nairobi (Kenya) GIM International Gomes N. Gomes N., French Institute for Research in Africa Gomes, N., Horn Relief Gregory Norton Gregrio A., Grootenhuis, F. (Editor) Gulliver A. Haan S. Habash M. S. A. Habimana D. Hack H. Hack, H. Hagen C, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) Hall, M. J. Hassan Adnan Abdullahi Hassan, A. M., Acacia Consultants, Nairobi(Kenya) Hassan, M., A. Hassan, M., A., ACACIA Consultants Hatcho, N., FAO Land and Water Development Division Hatcho, N., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Hatcho, N.; Heibloem,M., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Hatibu, N.;Mahoo, F.,H. Heemstra H. H., FAO Heibloem,M., FAO Land and Water Development Division Heibloem,M.; Prins,K; Kay, M;, FAO Land and Water Development Division Hemming C.F Henry, J.,C. Herlocker,D. Herweg K., CDE Hese H. Heuperman A. F., Institute of Irrigation and Salinity Research, Tatura (Australia) Hey, R.., D, (editor) Hillel, D. Hodson, S. Hommes, G. Houghton ,H.; Fry, M., Center for Ecology and Hydrology Houghton,H. Houghton-Carr H. Huggin C Hunt, J.,A. Hunt, M., A. Hunting Technical Services Ltd; Hussaini, A.,W. S. (Dr.), Islamic Water Law/ Somali Project Hutchinson P. (Compiler) IFAD Imhof, A. Inglis, A.,S. Institute of Hydrology International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics Ismail H., Somalia National University Issak, A. ,Mohamed ,A. M. Issak, A., International Commitee of the Red Cross/Crescent J.; Maina B. Jalie, T.,H., UNEP Jansen J.,M.,L Jansen J.M (Editor) Jenness J (Consultant), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) John Cody Joshi I. Juerg Litchtenegger Kaloyanova, N., Institute of Soil Science 'N. Pushkarov', Sofia (Bulgaria) Kameer , D. Kamoga D., Makerere University, Kampala (Uganda) Kamungi P. kandia, A. (Editor), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Kariuki J. Kassam, A.H. Kassam, H., A.; Velthuizen, G., W.; Fischer, G.,W.; Shah, M., M. Kassam, H., A.; Velthuizen, G., W.; Fischer, G.,W.; Shah, M., M. Katui-Katua Kay, M., IPTRID Khalif M., Somalia National University Kielen N.C. Kieslar, J. Kijne J., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Kijne, W. Kineman J, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Kirk M. (Editor) Kjell Havnevik (Editor) Kostov, O., Institute of Soil Science 'N. Pushkarov', Sofia (Bulgaria) Kratz, D., B Kung'u J., Kenyatta University, Nairobi (Kenya) Kylstra M.L. (Originator), Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited Labye, Y, CEMAGREF, Antony ,(France) Lai, K.,C.; Bullock, A. Lang L. Lannoy, M.;Lantieri, D. Lantieri, D., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Latham M.,C., Cornwel University, Ithaca (USA) Lawrence, T. Leonardi Lepoutre, D.;Royer, A., Geosyis Lesch S., US Salinity Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture (USA) lewis I. M. Lewis Njeru, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) Lewis, I.,M. Lieshout R., SAWA Ljuggren M. Loffer U. (Editor) Loth, P.,E.; Prins, H. Lule, A., Arsi Bale Rural Development Project M.Khalif, H. Ismail Madramootoo C., A.;Johnstone W., R.;Willarddson L., S., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Madsen B. Mahajan, I.,K Maina B.,M Maina B.,M., ACACIA consultants Maina, B. M. Majumdar D., K. Malesu M. M. Marai, R., WFP Martin Herzog Maundu P. (Editor) Mbara C.J. Mbara C.J. McCarthy J. W., Agency for international Development McCartney, M. McCully, P. McKilligan H. Mckilligan H. McKilligan H. Meherez A. Z. (Editor), Mansoura University Meigh, J. Meroni Mharapara, I., African Research Council Micski J. Millenova, L.; Nedkov,R.; Vassilev, V.; Milenov, P.; Radkov,; Pironkova, Z., BASA Ministry of agriculture and Rural Development, Mozambique Republic Ministry of Agriculture, Somali Democratic Republic Ministry of Pastoral Development and Environment, Republic of Somaliland Mitchel A., ESRI Mohamed Eggeh Killeh Mohamed S., SPDS Mohamoud M., M., Loughborough University of Technology Mokhtar, M. M. Monaci L. Morley D. (Editor), UNED forum Moynihan M., SAWA Moynihan M., SAWA Mr Mr Mr Mr. Muchiri P. Muchiri P., Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) Muchiri P.W. Muchiri P.W. Muchiri, P. W. Mumma A. Murage J. W. V., Water and Shelter (K) Ltd Muraya P., ICRAF, Kenya Musahara H. Musgrave, H., Imperial College of Science ,Technology and Medicine (London UK) Muthigani, P., European Commitee For Agricultural training Muthui, V., The world Conservation Union Muthusi F.M. Ndikumana J., Kamindi, R., Marambii, R., International Livestock Research Institute NEPAD Newson, M.,D (editor) Ngugi, N. S. Niamir -Fuller, M. (Editor) Nicklas Svensson (Editor) Nijland H. J., Ijsselmeerpolders Development Authority, Lelystad (The Netherlands) Nimmo J. M Nissen-Petersen E. Njoroge G. N., Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi (Kenya) Nutrition Programmes Service, Food and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Nyabenge M. Oduor A. R. Oduor A.R. Oduori S Oduori S. M. Oduori S. M., Horn Relief Oketch J. S. Okoth, J.O. Olson, M., A., Harza, Chicago (USA) Omar, A., A. Ombai M, Tacitas, the Participatory Development Consultants Omer Haji Dualeh Omuto C Opoku Mensah (Editor), Economic Commision for Africa, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Oroda A.S. Orodi J. O. Ossiya, S, National Agriculture Research Organisation (NARO) , Uganda Ouko Ouko J.O. Owuor B.O., Maseno University, Maseno (Kenya) Pamuk A., San Francisco Parkes, A.J., GIBB East Africa Ltd. Paron P. (Editor), FAO SWALIM Paron, P. Pellikka P. Per Ljung Pereira L. S., Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon (Portugal) Petermann Thomas (Editor) Planning and development collaborative International Polishchouk (Compiler) Populus, J., IFREMER Print C. R., Imperial College of Science , Technology and Medicine Print, C. Print, C., FAO Print, C., Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London Prof Kiregyera, Food , Security Assesment Unit Prudhomme, C. Raes D., Katholiek Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Reed,D. Reed,D.;Robson,A. Reeuwijk L., P., International Soil Reference and Information Center, Wageningen, the Netherlands Rembold Republic of Kenya Republic of Somaliland Rhoades D.,J, US Salinity Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture (USA) Ritzema, H., P.; Ksielik, R.,A.,L., International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement Rojas V. (Editor), FAO SWALIM Roose Eric, ORSTOM , Montepellier (France) Rosati , I. Rosati , I. Rural Focus Limited SACB SACB, Somalia Aid Co-ordination Body Sadana, M. Sagri, M. Sagri, M. (Editor) Saleh S., SPDS Saleh S., SPDS Salih Mohamed S. A. (Editor) Saney A. Sang' K. J. Sassi, F.P. (Editor) Sassi, F.P. (Eds) Schnacker,E. Schucknechta Schumm, S. A. Senay, G., U.S Geological Survey Severn, B. Sharkov E. A., Moscow State University Shepherd G. Sigh, P. Sim D. Simonetti D, European Commission Sims D. Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited; Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited; Sir M. Macdonald and Partners Sir M. MacDonald and Partners Ltd. Slaats J., KIT Smith Martin, FAO land and Water Development Division Smyth A. J. Sofia Jebril Younis Soil Resource Management and Conservation Service, FAO Land and Water Development Division Somalia Aid Coordination Body (SACB), United Nations Develoment Program Somalia Aid Coordination Body (SACB), United Nations Development Program Somalia Watching Brief Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) - SWALIM Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) - SWALIM Sommer S., ESRI Sommerlatte, M., IUCN Stanbridge R. Steiner K., GTZ Steinfield, H. Stevens J. Stevens J. Sthlm policy group (Editor) Stoskopf N.C., University of Guelph, Ontario (Canada) Stunth, J., Hamlett, P., Global Livestock-Collaborative Research Support Program Livestock Early Warning System (GL-CRSPLEWS) Sugule A.,J. Tanji K.K. Tate, E. Teemba L. (Workshop Facilitator) Tekeste Negash (Editor) Tengnäs B. (Editor) Thomas G. Thomas, R.G. Thorne C., R. (editor) Thulin M. (Editor) Ting-Tiang W., FAO Travalaga, C.; Macintosh, H. Travalaga, C.;, Environmental and Natural Resource Service Travalaga, C.;, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Tsiourtis, N., Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nicosia (cyprus) Tufa Dinku Umar, A, IUCN UNDP - Somalia, United Nations Development Program UNICEF Somalia Vakkilainen, P. Vargas R .R. Vargas R.R Vargas, R Varis, O. Vasileva, V., Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven (Bulgaria) Velasco H.,G., Development Law Service;FAO Legal Office Velthuizen, H.; Verelst, L.; Santacroce P., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Venema J. H. Venema Jan., FAO Venema, J.H Verdin,J. Vermillion D.,L.; Sagardoy J.,A. Veronica Muthui Viaroli P, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy) Vlasseroot K. Wade T. (Editor), ESRI Wai-Tim Wakhungu J. W. Wandera B. Watson R. M. Watson R. M. Weyne, B. Wilde, V. Williams E. Williams, H., Spartial Knowledge Engineering Wong, S. World Food Summit Xiao Lin Younis, A. A. Zeilar M. Zeiler M.