Academic institution partnerships

Academic institutions with faculties focusing on the environment and natural resources are key stakeholders for SWALIM and major users of its information products. Graduates from these institutions can provide a pool of candidates with the technical knowledge and ability to use SWALIM’s information for programme and policy development and for job placements in companies, organisations or government institutions focusing on natural resource management.  

These young people are an important target group for SWALIM as they represent the first generation to obtain an in-depth awareness of the potential of Somalia’s water and land resources and the threats facing them. As citizens and future policy makers, they can then form a strong voice to advocate for change in the use of these resources and for sustainable natural resource management.

SWALIM is involved in a continuous engagement with academic institutions to explore opportunities for collaboration with the project and its network of partners.

SWALIM engages with academic institutions through activities such as:

  • Providing internships to final year students of relevant faculties
  • Organizing academic open days where future graduates can see what SWALIM technical staff do and how one can make a career in these fields
  • Giving presentations by SWALIM staff on relevant topics
  • Providing study materials to universities and students through the local liaison offices and data centers
  • Engaging lecturers from the institutions in assessments and workshops

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