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An Assessment of the Surface Water Resources of the Juba-Shabelle Basin in Southern Somalia
The water resources of the Juba and Shabelle rivers in southern Somalia are important for irrigation and food production, but are influenced by seasonal floods. Prior to the outbreak of civil war in 1991, the Somali Ministry of Agriculture successfully operated a hydrometric network covering the Juba and the Shabelle, data from which provided input to a flow forecasting model. The war resulted in the neglect and abandonment of monitoring stations and an enforced cessation of data collection and management. In 2001 and 2002, part of the pre-war hydrometric network was reinstated and water levels were again recorded at some stations. This paper examines the implications of the 11-year hiatus in data collection, and the now much reduced monitoring network, for assessing and managing the surface water resources. The problems faced have relevance to other basins, within Africa and elsewhere, where there has been a similar decline in data collection.
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Publication Date:
Print, C., FAO
Corporate Author:
L-19 - Methodology for Monitoring of Mangroves in Somalia
This study serves as a starting point towards a monitoring initiative for the mangrove ecosystem of Somalia. It also forms part of the input to the land degradation monitoring activity initiated by SWALIM. Information generated in the study includes maps showing location of the mangroves, tables and pie charts to show utilization and management of the resources of the Somalia mangroves. The maps in this study were generated using Google Earth images and ecological field surveys coupled with interviews to the local people to help characterize the mangrove forests in terms of their management and utilization. Information contained in this study will help in the improved management and utilization of the mangrove forests of Somalia. The study covered the mangroves of Zeylac, Barbera, Calula in the north and Kismayio in the south.
Publication Type:
Technical report
Publication Date:
Oduori S. M., Alim M.S
Corporate Author:
L-18 Kormeeridda keynta Buuraleyda Golis gudaha Soomaaliya
Daraasadani waxay anfacaysa inay ahaato kob laga jaan qaado oo ku toosan qaanqaaminta la socodka keynta Buuraleyda Golis. Waxay sidoo kale aasaasaysaa qayb ka mid ah waqbashada hawsha la socodka xaalufka dhulka ee ay bilawday SWALIM. Macluumadka lagu curiyey daraasadaan waxaa ka mid ah khariidad muujinaysa dedka dhulka gudaha keynta Golis, shaxyo iyo naqshado goobaabo qaybqaybsan si loo muujiyo manaafacaasiga iyo maaraynta khayraadka keynta. Kharriidadaha ku jira daraasadan waxaa la curiyey iyadoo la isticmaalayo masawirro Landsat TM ah oo loo kaalmeystay masawirro Google Earth ah iyo sahanno goobaha duurka dabiiciga ah oo ay weheliso wareysiyo laga soo qaaday dadka deegaanka si ay u caawiyaan ka faaleynta kaymaha marka la eego walaac laga qabo maarenyta iyo manaafacaadsiga. Macluumaadka ku jira daraasadaan wuxuu caawini doonaa in la hagaajiyo maareynta iyo manaafacaadsiga keynta.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Corporate Author:
L-20 Practical guide for Land Degradation Monitoring
This practical guide for land degradation monitoring will provide tools that can be used to facilitate a simple and systematic approach to monitoring long-term changes in soil and rangeland conditions and will be the working document for future monitoring programmes. The simple monitoring methods presented in this guide will be used to periodically generate quantitative information from different representative sites of degraded land, land under degradation or sensitive degraded land within the country. The monitoring approach will enable information to be shared among all stakeholders involved in land resource management and will help national decision-makers and the donor communities to make sound land resource management decisions.
Publication Type:
Technical report
Publication Date:
Alim M
Corporate Author:
L-17 Khariidadeynta iyo Qiimaynta Beeraha Waraabka Puntland
Meelaha beeraha waraabka ah ee Puntland ayaa la khariidadeeyey iyadoo la isticmaalayo masawirro Google Earth ah iyo waraysiyo laga soo qaaday beeraley ku sugan goobaha beeraha si looga warbixiyo isticmaalka dhulka. Macluumaadka lagu soo bandhigay gudaha qoraalkan waxaa ka mid ah khariidadaha meelaha beeraha waraabka iyo shaxyo iyo masawirro si loo muujiyo dabeecadaha meelaha beeraha waraabka ah ee Puntland. Daraasaddu waxay qeexaysaa xaaladda meelaha beeraha waraabka ah ee gudaha Puntland sidaas awgeedna waxay tilmaamaysaa meelo u baahan waxqabasho. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, daraasadan waa la sii hagaajiyey oo lagu soo gabagabeeyey dhexdexda SWALIM V.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Corporate Author:
L-17 Mapping and Assessment of Irrigated Farms in Puntland
Irrigated agricultural areas of Puntland were mapped using Google Earth images and field based interviews with the farmers to characterize land use. Information displayed in this report includes maps of the irrigated agricultural areas and tables and pictures to show the characteristics of the irrigated agricultural areas of Puntland. The study outlines the state of the irrigated agricultural areas in Puntland and consequently points out areas which need intervention. However, this study is being updated and concluded in SWALIM V.
Publication Type:
Technical report
Publication Date:
Oduori S. M., Alim M
Corporate Author:
L-20 Hage Waxtar u ah Kormeerid Xaaluf Dhul
Hagahaan waxtar u ah kormeerid xaaluf dhul wuxuu bixin doonaa aalado loo isticmaali karo in la sahlo hannaan fudud oo nidaamsan oo lagula socodo isbedelo waqti-dheer ka dhici kara gudaha ciid iyo xaalado daaqba waxayna noqon doontaa qoraal loo adeegsado barnaamijyo kormeerid mustaqbal. Hababka kormeeridda fudud ee lagu soo bandhigay buugan hagaha ah waxaa loo isticmaali doonaa sidii si xilliile ah loo curiyo macluumaad tirokoobid oo ka soo jeeda goobo kala duwan oo matal ah dhul xaalufay, dhul xaalufiddu ku socoto ama dhul xaalufid u nugul oo dalka gudihiisa ah. Hannaanka la socodku wuxuu suurogelin doonaa in macluumaad ay wadaagaan dhammaan dhinacyada ku hawlan maareynta khayraadka dhulka wuxuuna ku caawini doonaa go'aan-gaareyaal qarameed iyo bulshooyin deeq-bixiye in ay go'aanno caqligal ah ka gaaraan maareynta khayraadka dhuleed.
Publication Type:
Technical report
Publication Date:
Corporate Author:
L-18 Monitoring of Golis Forest in Somalia- Report No
This study serves as a starting point towards a monitoring initiative for the Golis mountain forest. It forms part of the input to the land degradation monitoring activity initiated by SWALIM. Information generated in the study includes a map showing land cover in the Golis forest, tables and pie charts to show utilization and management of the resources of the forest. The maps in this study were generated using Landsat TM images aided by Google Earth images and ecological field surveys coupled with interviews to the local people to help characterize the forest in terms of management and utilization concerns. Information contained in this study will help in the improved management and utilization of the forest.
Publication Type:
Technical report
Publication Date:
Oduori S. M., Alim M.S
Corporate Author:
L-19 - Tabaha loogu Talagalay Kormeerista Geedaha Shawrada (Qandal, Takhay) Soomaaliya
Daraasadani waxay anfacaysa inay ahaato kob laga jaan qaado oo ku toosan qaanqaaminta la socodka deegaanka geedka shawrada Soomaaliyeedka. Waxay sidoo kale aasaaseysaa qayb ka mid ah waqbashada hawsha kormeeridda xaalufka dhulka ee ay bilawday SWALIM. Macluumadka lagu curiyey daraasadaan waxaa ka mid ah khariidad muujinaysa goobaha geedaha shawrada (qandal, takhay), shaxyo iyo naqshado goobaabo qaybqaybsan si loo muujiyo manaafacaadsiga iyo maaraynta khayraadka geedaha shawrada (mangroves) ee Soomaaliya. Kharriidadaha ku jira daraasadaan waxaa la curiyey iyadoo la isticmaalayo masawirro Google Earth ah iyo sahanno goobaha duurka dabiiciga ah oo ay weheliso wareysiyo laga soo qaaday dadka deegaanka si ay u caawiyaan ka faaleynta kaymaha Shawrada (mangroves) marka la eego maareytooda iyo isticmaalkooda. Macluumaadka ku jira daraasadan wuxuu caawini doonaa in la hagaajiyo maareynta iyo isticmaalka kaymaha shawrada (mangroves) Soomaaliya. Daraasaddu waxay ku fidsan tahay dhammaan shawrada (mangroves) Saylac, Barbera, Caluula xagga woqooyiga iyo Kismaayo xagga koonfurta.
Publication Type:
Technical report
Publication Date:
Corporate Author:
Integrated draft:The environment conservation act and the agricultural land ownership law
The environment conservation act and the agricultural land ownership law
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