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W-19 UNICEF’s Water Interventions Mapping Report (2005-2009)

The major objective of the mapping exercise was to evaluate progress made in the water sector in terms of coverage of water services and increase in number of benefi ciaries served through UNICEF’s EC funded programme. The report documents the results of interventions for the period 2005 to 2009 under the programme “Integrated Water Resource Management and Rural Water and Sanitation Programme in Somalia”. SWALIM carried out the mapping exercise at the request of UNICEF. The information products from the exercise include maps showing annual progress, regional maps for rural interventions and water supply system maps for major towns.

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Technical report

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Gadain H.M.

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W-13 Dabeecadda Socodka Biyaha (Hydraulic Behaviour) ee Webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle

Banaanada dhoobeyda labada Webi ee joogtada u qulqula Soomaaliya, Webiyada Shabeelle iyo Juba, waxay ahaayeen oo ay noqon karaan dambiisha-kibista Soomaaliya. Waxay leeyihiin fursad horumarin waraab oo waaweyn. Si kastaba ha ahaatee dagaalkii sokeeye ee labaatameeyada sano ee la soo dhaafay wuxuu burbur ba’an u geystay hay'ado iyo kaabayaal lagama maarmaan ah si loo maareeyo khayraadka biyaha labada webi taas oo ah waa tubta nolosha ee Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Hadda fatahaaddu waa dhibaato ku soo noqnoqota gudaha dhulka webiyada oo mararka qaar gaarta xaddi musiibo dabiici ah, sida xilli roobaadkii Deyrta ee 2006. Bannaano dhoobey dabiiciyeed ah ayaa loo soo gudbay oo gabiyada webiga ayaa la gooyay si biyo loogu leexsado iyadoo loola jeedo waraab xilliga engegan. Biyoxireennada iyo kanaalada ayaa loo isticmaalayey in loogu waraabiyo bed dhul ballaaran oo aan hadda lagu shaqeynin. Dadaallo ayaa socda si loo diyaariyo qorshe maareyn fatahaad oo isku dhafan iyo sidoo kale in la dib loo hagaajiyo kaabayaasha waraabka oo in la soo nooleeyo waaxda beeraha. Dadaaladan waxaa hakiyey aqoon la'aan ah xagga dabeecadda dooxada webiga marka la eego xaalka Hydrology, hydraulics, carro-degid, iwm iyo, jiritaan la'aanta hay'ado dawladeed oo ka mas'uul ah hirgelinta tallaabooyin maareyn habboon ee dooxada webiga.

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W-13 Hydraulic Behaviour of the Juba and Shabelle Rivers

The alluvial plains of the two Somali perennial rivers, the Shebelle and Juba Rivers, have been and could be the breadbasket of Somalia. They have considerable potential for irrigation development. The civil war in the last two decades has however taken a severe toll on the institutions and infrastructure necessary to manage the water resources of the two rivers that is the lifeline of Southern Somalia. Flooding is now a frequent problem in the riverine areas and sometimes it takes the proportion of a catastrophic natural disaster, like in the 2006 Deyr rainy season. Natural flood plains have been encroached and the embankments have been cut to divert water during the dry season for irrigation purposes. The barrages and canals that were used to irrigate vast areas are now dysfunctional. Efforts are underway to prepare an integrated flood management plan and also to rehabilitate the irrigation facilities and revive the agricultural sector. These efforts are hampered by lack of knowledge of river basin behaviour in terms of hydrology, hydraulics, sedimentation, etc. and, lack of public institutions responsible for implementing sound river basin management measures.

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Technical report

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Basnyat D, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya), Gadain H, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

L-12 Land Resources Assessment of Somalia

This report gives an overview of the land resources for the whole country. The main focus is on the agricultural potential of the country and is expressed through the delineation and description of agro-ecological zones. It provides a physical land suitability assessment of the two main SWALIM study areas in western Somaliland and southern Somalia, respectively. In addition it gives a summary of research done in the study area in Puntland, dealing with the applicability of remote sensing techniques for the assessment of pastoral resources while describing some of the results of the land degradation assessment study done in western Somaliland area.

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Technical report

Publication Date:


Venema J. H.

Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

W-14 Analysis of General Climatic Conditions in Somalia in Support of Drought Monitoring

Africa is characterised by extremes of climate both spatially and temporally. Unlike in the temperate zones where growing seasons primarily reflect changes in temperature, Africa's rhythms of life reflect rainfall as the "limiting" factor. Generally, Africa has a wide variety of bimodal climates based around a summer wet season and a winter dry season. In fact, Africa's swings between dry and wet seasons are the most pronounced of any of the continents. Not surprisingly therefore, floods and droughts are a common feature all over the continent. Due to the high drought vulnerability in most countries in Africa, it is not surprising that the drought hazards easily develop into disasters with serious consequences. The situation seems to be more serious in the Great Horn of Africa (GHA).

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Technical report

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

W-14 Falanqaynta Xaaladaha Cimilada Guud ee gudaha Soomaaliya si Loo Taageero La-socodka Abaarta

Afrika waxa lagu sifeeyey inay ka jiraan xad-dhaafyo cimilo oo baaxad iyo waqti labadaba leh. Si ka duwan gobollada loolka dhexe (temperate zones) halkaas oo xilliyada waxbeerasho ay soo ifbaxaan ugu horayn isbeddello heerkul, hab-dhaca nolosha Afrika waxaa ka muuqanaya in roobku yahay cunsurka nololsha "xakameeya". Guud ahaan, Afrika waxay leedahay kala duwanaansho cimilado oo labo-noocle ku saleysan ku dhawaad xilli xagaa qoyan iyo xilli jiilaal qalalan. Dhab ahaantii, is-rogrogga u dhexeeya xilliyada engegan iyo kuwa qoyaan ee Afrika waa wax aad uga muuqan og ka qaaradaha kale. Sidaas daraaddeed yaab ma lahan, daadad iyo abaaro inay noqdaan muuqaal caadi ka ah dhammaan waddamada qaaradda. Sababta u nuglaan abaarta heerka sare ee dalalka Afrikabadnkood, maaha wax lala yaabo in khataraha abaartu ay si fudud dhaliyaan masiibooyin cawaaqibyo ba’an leh. Xaaladda waxay u egtahay in ay ka sii darayso gudaha Geeska Weyn ee Afrika (the Great Horn of Africa (GHA)).

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L-14 Qiimayn Xaaluf Dhul iyo Qaabhawleed Kormeerid gudaha Soomaaliya

Gudaha daraasadan, ayaa waxaa la sameeyey qiimayn heer-qarameed ee xaaluf dhul iyadoo la isticmaalayo masawirro jeedaalin dareeme fog oo waqti taxane laga soo bilaabay 1982 ilaa 2008 iyo ra'yi khabiiro oo ku saabsan taariikhda nabaadguurka gudaha Soomaaliya marka dib loo raaco tan iyo intii ay khubaradu xusuusan karto. Ujeedada cilmibaaristu waxay ahayd in la ogaado sababo nabaadguur xoogiya, noocyo, iyo saamayno uu ku leeyahay dhulka heer qaran iyo in la cayimo goobo maxalli ah oo lagu sameeyo qiimayn dhamaystiran. Waxsoosaarrada ka soo baxay daraasadan waxaa loo arkay in ay taageeraan go'aamada siyaasadeed ee lagula dagaallamayo xaalufka dhulka heer qaran iyo in tilmaamaha guud la bixiyo qeybaha dalka ee la kulmaya nabaadguur daran si markaas loo oogi karo qorsheyn haboon ee khayraadka qaran. Qiimeynta waxaa loo kala dhigdhigay heerheer si waafaqsan hababka unugyada isticmaalka dhulka ee gudaha dalka. Waxaa weheliya qiimeynta, in daraasaddu ay sidoo kale taabagelisay macluumad saldhig wanaagsan si mustaqbalka loola socodo xaaluka dhulka gudaha Soomaaliya.

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L-14 Land Degradation Assessment and a Monitoring Framework in Somalia

In this study, national-level assessment of land degradation was done using time series remote sensing images from 1982 till 2008 and expert opinion about the history of the degradation in Somalia dating back as far as the experts could remember. The objective of the study was to identify potential causes, types, and impacts of land degradation at the national level and to identify local spots for comprehensive assessment. The outputs from this study was envisaged to support policy decisions for combating land degradation at the national level and to give the general guidelines of the sections of the country experiencing severe degradation so that appropriate planning of the national resources could be instituted. The assessment was stratified according to land use systems units in the country. In addition to the assessment, the study also established good baseline information for future monitoring of land degradation in Somalia.

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Technical report

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Omuto C, Vargas R .R., Alim M.S

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

L-16 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Modelling and Monitoring of the Areas Between Rivers Juba and Shabelle in Southern Somalia

Soil erosion is a complex dynamic process by which the productive soil surface is detached, transported, and accumulated at a distant place. It produces exposed subsurface where the soil has been detached and the detached deposited in low-lying areas of the landscape or in water bodies downstream in a process known as sedimentation. The present study by FAO-SWALIM was initiated with the general objective of preparing an assessment of soil erosion and sedimentation of the riverine areas between rivers Juba and Shabelle and to provide input into soil erosion and sedimentation monitoring framework which will contribute to improved management of the irrigation systems in south Somalia. The study identified areas prone to high soil erosion rates and sediment flux into river Juba and Shabelle in south Somalia.

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Technical report

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Omuto C, Vargas R .R., Paron, P.

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

L-12 Qiimaynta khayraadka Dhulka Soomaaliya

Warbixintan waxaa war guudmar ka bixinaysaa khayraadka dhulka ee dalka oo idil. Waxaa si weyn diiradda loo saaray awoodda beereed ee dalka hadana waxaa la xusay iyadoo loo maray calaamadinta iyo sharaxidda goobo beero-deegaan daaq. Waxaa laga helayaa qiimayn oogo ahaaneed ee haboonaanshiyo dhul ee labada goobood ee u muhiimsan oo ay SWALIM daraaseysay oo ku yaal galbeedka Somaliland iyo koonfurta Soomaaliya, siday u kala horreeyaan. Waxaa intaa dheer in la helayo warbixin kooban oo cilmi-baaris oo lagu sameeyey goob la darsay oo gudaha Puntland ku taal, oo ku taxaluqda suurogalnimada isticmaalidda farsamooyin jeedaalin dareeme fog si loogu adeegsado qiimaynta khayraadyo xoolo-dhaaqeen iyadoo laga warramayo qaar ka mid ah natiijooyinka daraasad lagu sameeyey qiimeynta xaalufa dhulka galbeedka deegaanka Somaliland.

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