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El Nino flood in Belet Weyne district, Hiran region - Somalia; A household economy assesment

In order to improve the flood warning, preparedness and response in the flood prone areas the SC (UK) Belet Weyne food security team carried out a flood baseline assessment. The aim of the flood baseline assessment was to:br br+ Understand how the El Nino flood of 1997/1998 affected the riverine food economy group in Belet Weyne District particularly the most vu1nerable + Use this information to recognize the associated risks and impact of similar floods on agricultural production, livestock holdings, social support systems and + Identify and understand the local community flood monitoring systems, preparedness plans and response + Use this assessment to enhance relief co-ordination efforts and operational preparedness of UN, International and local agencies when floods + Identify appropriate strategies that would contribute the control of + Improve and develop weak links between flood warning information generators and information; br This flood assessment was done using the Household Economy Approach (HEA). This approach is the core methodology used by Save the Children (UK) and other partner agencies throughout the region to assess food security and livelihoods. In this particular assessment the HEA looks at the impact of the El -Nino flood on the livelihoods of the affected communities at household level. It distinguishes each different socio-economic group's (wealth group) access to food and income, as well as their ability to afford daily necessities during this year. The HEA identifies the risks and shocks associated with the flood as well as each wealth group's respective coping and risk minimizing strategies.

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Grootenhuis, F. (Editor)

Corporate Author:

Save the Children U.K

Rainwater harvesting for improved food fecurity; Promising technologies in the Greater Horn of Africa

For the last two years, GHARP has, with a financial grant from USAID, implemented a regional project whose overall objective was to identify and evaluate the performance of RWH systems in the GHA with the aim of promoting best practices in water management in order to enhance food security and water availability. The publication focuses on the results of that project and highlights factors that need to be considered for effective promotion and adoption of sustainable solutions to livelihoods in GHA.

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Ngugi, N. S.

Corporate Author:

Greater Horn of Africa Rainwater Partnership

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) - SWALIM

Corporate Author:

European Commission

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NGO Consortium

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Journal Article

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Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Somalia Watching Brief

Corporate Author:

United Nations Development Program, World Bank

Daily rainfall analysis of somalia

Provides rainfail data including annual figues,monthly means and daily distribution of rainfulfor Somalia regions collected between the period 1955 to 1986. Areas covered are: Afgoi, berdera,Belet Uen, Berbera, Boroma, Galcayo, Jowhar, Hargeisa, Jilib, Lug-ganane and Mogadishu.

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Lewis Njeru, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

Assesment report on rehabilitation of river Shabelle River embarkments and irrigation canals' head-regulator gates for the flood protection of Jowhar area.

The main objectives of the project was to consolidate flood protection works by carrying out in the project area additional strengthening of rive embarkments and construction/renovation of gates.

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Corporate Author:

Somali Watching Brief, United Nations Develoment Program

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Fox, E.,J., Intermedia NCG, Maina B.,M., ACACIA consultants, Hassan, M., A.

Corporate Author:

Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Concern Worldwide

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Atkinson, A.; Coute, P.

Corporate Author:

European Commission


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