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L-05 Soil survey of a selected study area in Somaliland

Since the start of the war in 1991, no soil surveys have been undertaken and available soil data produced by SOGREAH has been lost, including maps showing spatial variability of soils.In view of the foregoing, and considering future planning activities in Somalia, there is a need to generate baseline data that provides an accurate reflection of the current status of natural resources. SWALIM conducted a soil survey using a combination of modern and conventional approaches (to overcome the various constraints within the study area) to map spatial variability of soils as a primary input to land suitability and land degradation assessment ,oriented towards a variety of users.

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Technical report

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Vargas R.R, Alim M

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L-04 Sifeyn Isticmaal Dhul ee Aag Daraasad loo Doortay gudaha Soomaaliyand

Waxaa jira walaac kordhaya oo ku aadan xaaful saabtay beer- iyo beyado dabiiciyeed. Arrintan, daraasado isticmaal dhul ayaa noqonaya aasaaska falanqaynta sababaha horseedaya xaaluf wax soo saarka geyi beer iyo beyad, ama sii xumaanshaha beyad dabiiciyeed. Daraasadaan waxay isu keeneysaa farsamooyinka baarista cilmiyeysan ee GIS iyo jeedaalin dareeme fog sida qalab wax lagu khariidadeeyo, ay la socto soo indha-indheyn dhul oo ay ku jirto wareysiyo yara-qaabaysan oo goob walba u gaar ah oo lala yeesho dad maxalli ah oo yaqaan deegaanka iyo xiriir lala sameeyo hay'ado maxalli ah. Macluumaadka soo baxay waxaa loo isticmaali karaa in uu caawiyo si loo sameeyo doorashooyin caqli gal ah oo ku saabsan isticmaal dhul, go'aamin meesha ugu wanaagsan in laga dhigo degsiimooyin cusub, dhul beereed, biyo-mareen, waraab, meel-mah iyo goor-mah ayaa la isticmaalayaa farsamoooyin cusub, si loo sharaxo kala duwanaan masaaxadeed iyo mid xilliyeed ee wax soo saar, iyo in laga jawaabo su'aalo kale oo badan oo ku saabsan maareyn, isticmaal iyo ilaalinta deegaanka dabiiciga ah.

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Technical report

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Natures Benefits in Kenya An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being

Natureandrsquos Benefits in Kenya is an Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being represents a step forward in the analysis of poverty in Kenya and its relation to the natural environment. It is the result of a partnership of national and international organizations, some of which were involved in preparing the first high-resolution poverty maps of Kenya. This publication springs from an effort among these partners to overlay the newly created poverty maps with environmental resource maps based on surveys and remote sensing data. The intent is to show the location and status of key environmental resources that are likely to have significant links with poverty. In creating this report, we worked with several purposes and audiences in mind.

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World Resources Institute, Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (Government of Kenya), International Livestock Research Institute, Central Bureau of Statistics (Government of Kenya)

L-04 land use characterisation of a selected study area in Somaliland

There is a growing concern over the degradation of natural and agro-ecosystems.In this case, land use studies form the basis for analysis of the causes leading to degradation of agro-ecosystem outputs, or deterioration of a natural ecosystem.This study combines the scientific research techniques of GIS and remote sensing as mapping tools, accompanied by ground observations involving site-specific semi structured interviews with local people familiar with the area and contact with local organizations. The information generated can be used to assist in making wise choices about land use, determining where best to locate new settlements, cropping, drainage, irrigation, where and when to apply new technologies, to explain spatial and temporal variations in output, and to respond to many other questions about management, use and conservation of the natural environment

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Publication Type:

Technical report

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Oduori S, Vargas, R, Alim M.S

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L-05 Shan Ciid ee Aag laga Doortay gudaha Soomaaliland

Laga soo bilaabo bilowgii dagaalka sanadkii 1991, lama fulin wax hawl sahan ciideed ah oo waxaa lumtay xogtii cidda ee la hayey oo SOGREAH ay soo saartay, oo ay ku jiraan khariidado muujinaya kala duwanaashiyaha ciidda. Iyadoo la eegayo in hore loo socdo, oo la tixgelinayo hawlaha qorshaynta mustaqbalka gudaha Soomaaliya, ayaa waxaa jira baahi loo qabo in la curiyo xog saldhig ah taasoo laga helayo muuqaal sax ah ee xaaladda jirta ee khayraadka dabbiiciga. SWALIM waxay fulisay sahan ciid iyadoo isticmaaleysa habraacyo isku dhafan oo casri iyo soo jireen ah (si looga gudbo caqabadaha kala duwan ee ka jira gudaha dagaanka la darsay) si loo khariidadeeyo ciido kala duwanaanshiyaha masaaxadeed oo door muhiim ah u jira qiimaynta haboonaanshiyaha dhulka iyo xaalufka dhulka, ay daneyaan isticmaaleyaal kala duwan.

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Technical report

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Land Resources of Somalia

The purpose of the present report is two-fold: (1)To summarize and consolidate the main findings of the various land resource surveys and studies carried out in the three study areas and (2) to give a generalized assessment of the land resources of the whole country, based on both existing data (notably on climatic and soils) and on recent SWALIM data.

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Venema J. H.

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Monaci L., Downie M., Oduori S

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W-07 Urban Water Supply Assessment

A technical assessment of the water sources was carried based on the Somalia Water Sources Information Management – SWIMS SoftwareThe data and information collected during these assessment included maps of water supply systems for each town surveyed showing each water source (boreholes only), storage tanks, and layout of pipes network, water kiosks, water vendors,and utilities capacity. The water market information needed for analysing water affordability, including assessment of commodity and willingness to pay for improved services, operation and maintenance cost and the social and economic benefits compared to the investment value were established .

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Technical report

Publication Date:


Gadain H, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Water and Sanitation Program

W-07 Qiimaynta Biyo Siinta Magaalooyinka

Qiimayn farsameed ee ilaha biyaha ayaa la fuliyey oo lagu saleeyay Maareynta Macluumaadka Ilo Biyoodyada Soomaaliya - SWIMS Software. Xogta iyo macluumaadka la soo ururiyey intii lagu guda jiray qiimayntaan, waxaa ku jirey khariidado habab biyo siin ee magaalo kasta oo la sahamiyey oo muujinaysa il biyood kasta (ceel-riig kaliya), haamo biyo-kaydin, iyo shabakad dhuumo (tuubooyinka) sida loo dhigay, kaalimo biyo dhaansi, biyo iibiyeyaal, iyo awood adeegyo la isticmaalo. Macluumaadka suuqa biyaha loo baahan yahay si loo falanqeeyo awood biyo-iibsi, oo ay ka mid yihiin qiimeyn badeeco iyo rabitaan bixin kharaj adeeg la hagaajiyey, hawlgal iyo kharaj dayactir iyo faaidooyinka bulshadeed iyo midda dhaqaale marka labarbardhigo qiimaha maalgelinta lagu hirgeliyey.

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Technical report

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