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Hydrogeological report on 8 borehoes in Central and Southern Somalia
The hydro-geological survey and drilling 8 boreholes aims to improve the availability of water in areas identified as high priority and those having acute shortage of water supply. These include areas of settlement of vulnerable groups such as returnees, IDPs and pastoral population in drought stricken regions of Somalia
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Corporate Author:
Awale Drilling Company and Engineering Contractors
W-06 Habka Maareynta Macluumaadka Khayraadka Biyaha Soomaaliya
SWIMS waa aalad loogu talagalay in lagu dhiso diiwaagelin ilo biyood ee gudaha Soomaaliya taasi waxay suurogelin doontaa asteynta aasaasiga ee ilaha marka la eego xaaladaha oogadeed, dhaqan-dhaqaale iyo maareynneed. Ulajeedada buug-hogaamiyaha duurka waa in la hubiyo habraac la wadaago si xogta duurka laga soo ururiyo ay adeegsadaan dhaammaan isticmaaleyaasha SWIMS. Tani waa tallaabada kowaad ee ugu adag si loo hubiyo tayada xogta iyo sugnaanta guud ee ka dhaxaysa iyo isla xogta uruursan ee ku jirta SWIMS labada.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Somalia water sources information management system(SWIMS)software guide
The Somalia Water Sources Information Management System (SWIMS) is a data management software developed by the Somalia Water and Land Information Management project (SWALIM). The software provides a link to the agencies working in different regions in Somalia towards developing a water sources inventory for the entire country.
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Muthusi F.M.
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W-06 Somalia Water Sources Information Management System
SWIMS is a tool designed to build an inventory of water sources in Somalia that will allow a basic characterization of the sources in terms of physical, socio-economic and management practices.The purpose of this field guide is to ensure a common approach to collecting data in the field is employed by all users of SWIMS. This is the critical first step to ensuring data quality and consistency both across and within the data sets housed in SWIMS
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Corporate Author:
Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)
Somalia Water Sources Information Management System(SWIMS)
The purpose of the Somalia Water Information Management System (SWIMS) is to provide a mechanism for constructing and maintaining an inventory of Water Sources in Somalia to
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John Cody
Corporate Author:
Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)
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Geomatec Engineering and Management
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Bonnemayer J, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)
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Centre for Development and Environment
13 Sites hydrological site investigation draft report
SHAAC Consulting Company was commissioned by Cosob Well drilling Company of Somaliland to undertake detailed hydrogeological and geophysical investigation at 13 localities in Somaliland. The investigated sites are situated in all regions of Somaliland. Two sites are in Awdal Region, four sites in Northwest region, two in Saaxil, one site in Togdher, two in Sool and two in Sanaag region. The purpose of the study Was to identify suitable locations for successful borehole drilling within the selected town and villages. The project was intended to improve the availability of water and sanitation in areas identified as high priority and those of having acute shortages of water supply. These include areas of settlements of vulnerable groups such as returnees, IDPs and pastoral population though detailed water investigation in order to identify suitable sites for well drilling
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Corporate Author:
SHAAC Consulting Company
Environmental Study of Degradation in the Gebi Valley and Sool Plateau, Sanaag Region of Northern Somalia
This report contains comprehensive qualitative and quantitative study of enviromental degradation in the Gebi Valley and Sool Plateau of Sanaag Region in the Northern Somalia.The report was commissioned by Horn Relief in recognition of the environmental factors contribuiting to the over four year drought(2000-2004) in the Gebi Valley and Sool Plateau ecological zones. This report provides baseline data for monitoring of environmental change in the areas and information for developing appropriate programs to address environmental degradation and desertification in the areas
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Oduori S. M., Horn Relief, Alim, M.S, Horn Relief, Gomes, N., Horn Relief
Corporate Author:
Horn Relief, Oxfam Netherlands
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