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W-02 Gacan-ka-qabadka Indha-indheeyeyaasha Roob-da’a Soomaaliya
SWALIM waxay dib-u-hagaajinaysaa shabakad roob-cabire gacmeed qaran oo qayb ka ah hababkeeda macluumaadka biyo iyo dhul. Xog ururiska qarameed ee la sameeyay waxaa loo isticmaali doonaa si loo taageero khariidayn cimilo, digniin hore ee daad iyo daraasado kale oo cilmi-biyood ah (Hydrological studies). Sidoo kale xog ururisku wuxuu noqon doonaa mid si xor ah ay u heli karto cid kasta oo danaynaysa. SWALIM waxay wadi doontaa indha-indheynta rug kasta oo ka tirsan gundhigga xogta taasoo lagu wareejin doono dawladda Soomaaliyeed ee soo baxaysa marka waqtigu ku haboonaado.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Country environmental profile for Somalia, August 2006
This CEP provides environmental, Social and economic information to the EC Somalia office to Guide the identification of specific recomendations on enviromental objectives and benchmarks for the EC cooperation activities in ita 2008-2013 indicative programed for Somalia
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The World Conservation Union
FAO SWALIM water sources - GTZ survey - Somalia
water sources maps for all regions of Somalia produced from the GTZ water sources survey for Somalia.
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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)
Ground water resources investigations
(Extract from summary) This report summarizes the result of the hydrogeological and geophysical studies carried out to assess groundwater potential of the Puntland State of Somali for Mam and Bros drilling company/UNDP project.
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United Nations Development Program, Mam and Bros drilling Company Ltd, Geolink Associates
Flood Watch Bulletin 2005-11-15
The 7-day Rainfall Estimates (RFE) for the week ending November 13th indicate low rainfall in the upper catchments of both rivers.
No rains were reported in Bulo Burti and Belet Weyne for the last week. No rain has been reported in Luuq and Bardhere. 76mm of rain fell was reported from Buale over the weekend.
The rainfall forecast for the coming week is for up to 45 mm of rain in the Ethiopian catchments and for between 10-20 mm in the Southern Somalia. Rainfall of up to 45mm is expected over North Eastern Kenya, and South Western Somalia.
Flood risk for the forecast period is considered minimal.
Publication Type:
Flood watch bulletin
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Emergency rehabilitation and institutional support of water points,Bakol, Gedo and Bay regions, Somalia
This report is an end-of-project (EOP) evaluation of the emergency water rehabilitation project between August 14 to September 5 2005 in Bakol and Bay regions. ADRA has been implementing Emergency rehabilitation and Institutional support of water points project in Bakol and Bay regions, Somalia since the year 2000. br Among the project's objectives are: to increase availability and accessibility of Safe water to 15 L/person/day in drought affected districts of Bay and Bakol districts. It also seeks to improve communities' environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, through health and hygiene education.
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Murage J. W. V., Water and Shelter (K) Ltd
Corporate Author:
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Flood Watch Bulletin 2005-11-08
The 7-day Rainfall Estimates (RFE) for the week ending November 7th indicate that there has been sporadic rainfall on areas of the Ethiopian catchments of both the Juba and Shabelle rivers. The RFE also indicates light rainfall in Somalia on the Juba and Shabelle catchments.
The total reported catch from Bulo Burti for the last 7 days was 7mm. Rains have been reported on the Lower Shabelle around Kurtunwarrey. There has still been no rain in Luuq and Bardhere.
The rainfall forecast for the coming week is for up to 45 mm of rain in the Ethiopian catchments and for between 10-20 mm in the Southern Somalia.
Flood risk for the forecast period is considered minimal. However, careful monitoring of the river stages is necessary, especially on the Juba following observed rainfall in the Ethiopian highlands of juba
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Flood watch bulletin
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German Agro Action, Somaliland
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Corporate Author:
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Inception Report of the Integrated Water Resource Management Plan
The present project is a further development of an initial intervention by GAA in the Dur-Dur Valley. This second phase seeks to contribute to the stabilisation and improvement of rural livelihoods in Awadal region based on the sustainable use of natural resources. The project area covers the entire Dur-Dur watershed, which is situated within the Districts of Borama, Baki and Lughaya. The project is designed to enable communities in the watershed to manage natural resources and farming systems increasingly in a sustainable, efficient and equitable manner. A major investment of the project is to develop an Integrated Water Resource Management Plan (IWRMP) in close collaboration with land-users and administrative bodies.
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Corporate Author:
German Agro-Action, GROUNDWATER SURVEY (K) Ltd.
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